Innovative, Independent Smart Business Solutions
Smartran Consulting is the leading provider of innovative independent consultancy services and practical solutions. Previous clients include Multi-National Conglomerates, JV (Joint Ventures), ESG and Major Government Departments, Finance and Payments, Transport and Mobility, and Technology.
Smartran Consulting offers a wide range of consulting services with the necessary tools and expertise to help grow your business. Specialising in Place, Payments and Technology, we partner with our clients from start to finish, focusing on their needs while combining our expertise in technology and project management to deliver valuable customer propositions and service improvements. Click About us to learn more.
What we do
Discover Our Expertise and Smart Solutions
Smartran Consulting offers clients a broad range of professional expertise which can be applied to all stages of a project's life-cycle. We are currently assisting clients in the areas of transport ticketing, contactless payment applications, Fintech payment services, Local Authority Smart City initiatives, Net Zero objectives, resident smart cards, higher education, incentive schemes, and improved delivery of existing services. We typically undertake assignments which make it easier for residents and customers to access our clients' services.
​We examine what organisations are doing to stay relevant and competitive in this fast-paced world, and which ones are doing it best. We then strategise using smart tools and global resources in order to understand the implications of every choice our clients can make.

Smart Transport
Smartran Consulting brings together a wealth of experience with smart card technology, Account Based Ticketing, contactless EMV, NFC mobile applications and other transport ticketing methods. We have led projects to deliver customer friendly ticketing propositions and improved user experience including vending machines, validators, handheld machines and mobile apps. We have provided ITSO technical consultancy support services to Transport Authorities and Operators to implement smart ticketing.
We managed the implementation and testing of innovative first of a kind cloud services which relies on contactless payment cards for touch on/touch off to speed up customer boarding and offer a best price proposition.
We advised several major bidders with their propositions for ABT back office, payment processing and Merchant Acquiring services based on the Transit EMV mechanism. We had to address the complex challenges of multiple different operators, multi-modal journeys, integration of different bus, gate and validator technology, apportionment of revenue and settlement back to the operators.
Pay Fast, Pay Smart, Pay Contactless
Pay-C is the exciting brand for expertise and capability in delivering fast, smart, contactless payment and multi-operator ticketing for transit and other services.
With our help, Transit EMV, PAYG, ABT/customer accounts, smart cards, and mobile apps can be made to work effectively together. We are now making our expertise and experience available under the Pay-C service brand for our consultancy and project managements services for smart ticketing in transport.
We have built unique experience developing, testing and implementing the first full PAYG touch on/touch off Model 2 for contactless payment acceptance on bus in the UK. This pioneering initiative was well received by customers and operators.
in transport.
Under the Pay-C brand we offer our expertise in:
Proposition definition and development
EMV payment service integration and certification
Setup and operation of trials
Transition and rollout
Project and Programme Management
Smart Payments
Smartran Consulting has extensive experience in bank card and mobile payments through our work with VISA, Mastercard, Amex, WorldPay, Barclaycard, Global Payments, NMI, LittlePay, Unicard, Ingenico and Verifone. We are members of the Visa Ready Programme and have extensive experience of contactless payment in Transit.
We can advise on all aspects of payment acceptance, security and processing for face to face, self-service and on-line. Our payment experience includes chip & PIN and contactless for self-service kiosks for rail, tram and parking, on line payment acceptance for ticketing and mobile apps and retail payment solutions using PAX, Verifone and Gemalto devices.
Our work has included physical equipment design, accessibility, network design, PSD2 requirements and approach to maintain PCIDSS certification. We have worked with Merchant Acquirers on the setup of accounts for both on line payment and contactless acceptance in Transit. We have brought together the key players in transit solutions to resolve issues around authorisation and debt management.
We can assist with integration, compliance, commercial arrangements, acceptance testing and ongoing support mechanisms.
Smart Strategy & Management
Smartran Consulting has extensive experience undertaking short strategic reviews, technical investigation and longer-term project engagements for a wide range of organisations including multi-national conglomurates, local authorities, transport authorities, transport operators, city councils, universities and central government.
Our core skills and experience are in the areas of:
Proposition definition and development
Strategy and market position based around new product developments/acquisitions
Customer experience and expectations
Solutions fit to market, client targeting and market knowledge / experience
Sustainable service design and improvement at reduced cost
Bid writing, Bid reviews and proposals and advice on procurement
We have frequently been consulted about supplier, partner and consortium relationships. We have also advised on recruitment skill requirements, candidate suitability and other resource decisions.
Smartran offers a wide range of consulting services with the necessary tools and expertise to help grow your business. We partner with our clients from start to finish, focusing on their needs while producing new ideas, developing effective strategies and designing high quality and scalable solutions.

Local Authorities
Central government initiatives (e.g. Concessionary Transport, Bus Service Improvement), addressing the challenges of climate change and local requirements for access to services are driving local government to implement schemes which employ smart card technology.
We have helped local authorities use smart technology to implement concessionary transport schemes, incentives for active travel (see Eco Rewards), community transport enablement, cash collection services, access to library services, resident parking discounts, leisure service membership, support for looked after children and community health initiatives.
Whether you have an existing project underway, are planning an extension to an existing scheme or are considering how to tackle a new initiative, Smartran Consulting is uniquely placed to assist. We can respond to a wide range of smart card related projects from our pool of subject experts and build an integrated project team with the right skills mix for a long term assignment. We can deliver complete tailored solutions through MaaStran Ltd.

Smart Education
Smartran has extensive experience designing and implementing card schemes for schools, colleges and Universities. We have extended resident card schemes to support multiple applications in secondary schools and helped Universities rollout multi-purpose cards for their staff and students.
We have experience working with many of the key providers of systems and can help you deliver complex schemes to schedule and budget. We have detailed knowledge of payment methods, building access control, print/copy services, library access, attendance monitoring and other uses of smartcards.
Want to find out how we can help?
Smart Solutions
Based on our unique experience and business relationships, we bring you exciting and effective solutions for transport ticketing, Mobility-as-a-Service, Pay-as-you-Go contactless EMV, multi-application smart card schemes, retailing, APPs, e-commerce and settlement requirements through our technology company MaaStran Ltd.
At MaaStran, we make it easier, safer and cheaper to implement multi-modal transport ticketing. Our award-winning technology platform has a wide range of features that integrates journey planning, payments, multi-modal ticketing, rewards, revenue inspection, validation and settlement. MaaStran will transform the passenger experience on public and active transport and make it easier, cheaper and more secure for transport operators to offer seamless journeys and payment. MaaStran becomes the secure back-office mechanism for creating and using e-tickets.

Eco Rewards
Through our work with Local Authorities, voluntary sector, transport authorities and leisure service providers, we have identified a common need for sustainable effective long term incentives which are valued by the recipients. Eco Rewards have over 2000 well known national online brands supporting these schemes by funding cash back rewards, discounts and special offers for members.
Eco Rewards offers rewards and incentives for schools, businesses and communities to encourage residents and students to choose greener travel options and reduce their carbon footprint. Collectively, participants could save £100ks per annum on fuel costs and reduce CO2 emissions by 1000s tonnes. To find out more about Ecological Rewards Ltd please visit the Eco Rewards website link below.

Contact Us
Contact us and find how our services can benefit your company.
Smartran Consulting, (a trading name of MaaStran Ltd),
+44 1483772241